Saturday, December 28, 2019

Teams from Europe and Africa Compete at ISHOW Kenya

Teams from Europe and Africa Compete at ISHOW Kenya Teams from Europe and Africa Compete at ISHOW Kenya Teams from Europe and Africa Compete at ISHOW Kenya May 25, 2018 Nine teams of social entrepreneurs from across Europe and Africa gathered in Nairobi earlier this month to compete in ASMEs 2018 Innovation Showcase (ISHOW) Kenya. With projects at stages from early prototype to machines for manufacture, they shared solutions to problems in healthcare, small-scale energy production, agriculture and food storage, and barriers faced by people with disabilities.One of the three winning teams at the ASME ISHOW Kenya, held May 9-11 at the Azure Hotel, was from the Dutch company, SimGas, which is developing a milk chiller powered by biogas. SimGas systems allow rural households in developing regions to generate clean fuel and fertilizer from manure. SimGass Biogas Milk Chiller is designed to prevent spoilage when small-scale, off-grid dairy farmers store milk overnight before delivering it to local processors. (Left to right) Dorine Poelhekke and Sanne Castro of SimGas, with Dr. Kamau Gachigi, founding executive director of Gearbox at ISHOW Kenya.The first thing we will do is to pilot it here in Kenya with 20 farmers, said Sanne Castro, CEO and co-founder of SimGas, explaining how his team would put to work their $10,000 ISHOW prize. With these farmers, we want to learn a bit more about the payment model and also about the entire cooling chain the cooling of the milk all the way from the farmer to the processor. You have to keep it cold all along the way. Then we want to learn more about how we can move to mass manufacturing.Weve put a lot of dedication and sacrifice into designing our hardware, and we are really grateful for this recognition, said Ishmael Hezekiah, chief operating officer of Bentos Energy. Bentos makes and distributes low-cost, smokeless charcoal briquettes from waste materials and biomass, including water hyacinth, an invasive plant species. Heze kiah and his team at Bentos are proud they can provide jobs, reduce landfill, and cut air pollution. Bentos reports there is a monthly demand for 200,000 bags of their briquettes in Kenya, but the company needs to buy equipment to generate that output. The acquisition of fabrication machines is paramount, said Bradley Mbagaya, Bentos technical manager. So that is the first thing we are going to do, so we can increase our capacity. The $10,000 from the ISHOW will go towards the $500,000 Mbagaya and Hezekia say Bentos is trying to raise for manufacturing equipment. (Left to right) Iana Aranda, president of Engineering for Change (E4C), with ISHOW winners Bradley Mbagaya and Ishmael Hezekiah of Bentos Energy.The cash prizes are always important to ISHOW winners. But often, so is the recognition. We are really excited to come through the process and at the end of it to be winners, said George Chege, an agricultural engineer who is developing an environmental controller that monitors ch icken coops. It helps reassure us that what we are working on is valid and can actually change the world in its own simple way.Chege and his geschftsleben partner, William Muthoka, teamed up several years ago to raise chicks, something they thought would be relatively easy. Instead, they discovered regulating temperature was important and difficult, requiring 400 a.m. trips to the coop. They developed Smart Brooder to automate the process. The team believes their product will help young people find work and that it will help farmers shift from charcoal to electricity and cleaner sources of energy. (Left to right) George Chege and William Muthoka of Smart Brooder accepting the ISHOW trophy from Paul Belknap, COO of Killgro Kenya. James Creel, ISHOW Kenya lead, was the on-site host for the event. Featured speakers included Iana Aranda, president of Engineering for Change. Noel Wilson of Catapult Design spearheaded design consultations for all nine competing teams. Judges and Kenya partners included Dr. Kamau Gachigi, founding executive director of Gearbox, and Robert Karanja, CEO of Villgro Kenya.The next event, ISHOW U.S.A., will take place June 21-22 at the District Architecture Center in Washington, D.C. For more information, or to register, visit https// Roger Torda, ASME Public Information

Monday, December 23, 2019

Unusual Equine Career Examples

Unusual Equine Career ExamplesUnusual Equine Career ExamplesWhen making a list of equine career possibilities, most people think of options such as an equine veterinarian, breeder, barn manager, trainer, equine vet tech, farrier, or groom. While these can be great options for those looking to enter the equine industry, there are many other possibilities (including some unusual paths you might elend have considered). Here are some of the most unusual equine career paths for those seeking something different Equine Sports Massage Therapist Equine sports massage therapists use their knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and massage techniques to alleviate pain and improve a horses range of motion.Top level equine athletes (including Olympic competitors and racehorses) often receive such services. Individuals that hold a Doctor of Chiropractic or Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree can become licensed animal chiropractors, a more advanced qualification. Professional Braider Professi onal braiders travel the horse show circuit and braid manes and tails for competition. A good braider can earn $50 to $100 per horse.Braiders often work through the nightor start very early in the morning, so that they can get their work done before the start of the show. Braiding can be a full-time or part-time job, depending on where you are located and your willingness to travel. Equine Dental Technician Equine dental technicians perform common dental services such as floating teeth (filing down sharp edges to ensure proper wear for eating and performance activities).While the regulations about dental technicians vary from one state to the next, this can be a lucrative career path as horses regularly require dental work. Dude Ranch Wrangler Dude ranch wranglers guide tourists on trail rides and assist with saddling and equine care. Those working in this career path may have the opportunity to work in beautiful surroundings and with some very nice trail horses. Lodging and meals are usually provided in addition to salary. Therapeutic Riding Instructor Therapeutic riding instructors teach lessons for students affected by a variety of emotional, behavioral, and physical challenges.There are several certification programs (the most prominent being PATH which offers a three-level certification process). This can be a particularly rewarding career path as instructors are able to directly enhance the lives of their students. Equine Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Equine pharmaceutical sales reps travel an assigned territory to promote their products to veterinarians.This can be a particularly lucrative career in a fast-paced environment, and you can easily transition into other animal health and animal product sales positions after working in this role. Saddle Fitter Saddle fitters evaluate and adjust the balance of the saddle to ensure that the horse and rider can perform effectively.This is a travel-intensive role, as the fitter must visi t clients across a potentially large territory. While many people have not heard of this career path, it is growing in popularity and practitioners can command a decent rate ($75 to $100 per fitting consultation). Equine Association Representative Equine association representatives can work for a number of equine groups and clubs such as the USEF, USDF, AAEP, and breed organizations.These associations hire a variety of administrative staff members, customer service reps, registrars, writers, and marketing personnel. Professional Rider There is money to be made working as a professional rider, though this is an option accessible only to top-level competitors.Professional riders often travel the show or polo circuits, being paid directly for their services by clients or earning prize money on their own as independent contractors. Others travel with equine performance shows or work at theme parks. Some riders may also earn money from offering clinics to train other equestrians and their horses. Mounted PoliceOfficer Mounted police officers patrol a designated area on horseback, providing crowd control and interacting with members of the public.Candidates hoping to become mounted officers must first qualify as regular police personnel and work for a few years in such roles before applying for mounted duty. This is a great way to combine dual career interests in the equine and law enforcement fields.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Shaqs mom inspired him to go from braggart to social media strategist

Shaqs mom inspired him to go from braggart to social media strategistShaqs mom inspired him to go from braggart to social media strategistIts hard to strike the right note on social media, especially when youre a celebrity. Should you just come right out in the open about your fabulous lifestyle or act like youre just a humble working person?Former basketball player and prolific product pitchman Shaq was interviewed by Hoda Kotb on the Today Show on Monday. When asked if he had an adage that he lived by, he talked about his philosophy on social media.When I send out Tweets he has 14 million followers its 60% to make you laugh, 30% to inspire you and 10% to promote what Im selling, Shaq said. I came up with that formula because when I first started doing Twitter I didnt really understand social media. I was kinda in showoff mode. Look at my house, look at my boat. (See below for examples).Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivi ty, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreHis mother, with whom Shaqs always been close, wasnt a fan and encouraged him to use his location for more positive things.My mother called me one day and she said Stop showing off. Be humble. You should use social media to inspire people. And the 60/30/10 formula was born. So if you go to Shaqs Twitter today, you might read something promoting The General Insurance, or his big and tall menswear line, or talking about basketball.But for a look at Shaqs bad old days on social, one need only look no further than his older Instagram posts, from Jump on the G5 to Just got my Vaydor to a stunning variety of custom wheels to finally, Shaq posing with a crown.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

7 Tips for the Morning of Your Interview

7 Tips for the Morning of Your Interview7 Tips for the Morning of Your Interview7 Tips for the Morning of Your InterviewInterviewing can be stressful these job bewerberinterview tips can help you platzdeckchen yourself up for success. TWEETNo matter how much time and effort youve invested in learning how to prepare for an interview, pre-game jitters can happen to the most qualified and prepared candidates. A little excitement can keep you present, paying attention, and on your toes but too much anxiety can throw off your performance. If you come across as stiff, awkward, and rushed, your technical qualifications wont save the day.There are a few simple job interview tips you can follow ahead of time that can set you up for a win. Some of these may seem basic. However, dont discount the value of a good checklist when your mind is going in 12 different directions Build these seven steps into your routine, and you will be walking into the company office confident, fresh, and sharp.1. Prepare your clothes in advance of the interview.A day or two ahead of time, get your interview suit out into good light and have a close look.Is the suit pressed and clean? Does it have any missing buttons or hanging threads? If you have notlage worn it in a month or two, try it on to make sure it fits you well.Choose everything else you will need to get ready down to socks, shoes, shirt, and tie or any other accessories. While that level of preparation may seem excessive, reducing the number of decisions you have to make on the big morning can free up your brains processing power. It also eliminates last minute surprises you dont want to discover a dried-up coffee stain on the shirt you were planning to wear 10 minutes before you head out the door.2. Have a travel plan and check your timing.This job interview tip is crucial check driving or commute time to the interview location. Add a buffer for the unexpected an extra half hour can save the day if you take a wrong turn, get o ff at the wrong stop, or run into unexpected traffic.If you are driving, consider filling up the tank the day before to eliminate the need for extra stops on the morning of the interview.I recommend getting to the office 15 minutes early. You can use the extra quiet time for a last-minute review of your notes, listening to music, or meditation. I do not recommend walking into the reception area more than 5 minutes early the hiring manager may feel obliged to interrupt his or her workflow to greet you, creating a rushed opening to the interview.3. Pull your paperwork together.Create a binder or a folio that will hold everything you might need during the interview. Include extra copies of your resume, a notepad, and a pen. You may also take a list of questions you want to ask during the interview, and the names of the individuals you will be meeting with. I also find it helpful to have the office phone number with you, just in case.On the subject of being prepared, I recommend puttin g together a small care package with tissues, stain remover, pain relief medicine, mints, and a bottle of water. For my own kit, I have been known to include some emergency dark chocolate. Keep the care package in your car or in your briefcase, and a headache or a coffee spill will have no chance of derailing your morning.4. Eat something light and drink water.If your nerves get the better of you, food may be the last thing on your mind. No matter what, eat a light breakfast you will need your blood sugar to be at its best during the interview. Just as an elite athlete pays attention to nutrition and hydration on competition day, so should you. Drink water, and choose a balanced meal or snack (carbs, fats, and protein combined create longer-lasting energy). Dont overdo it with caffeine you want to appear relaxed and at ease, not jittery.5. Center yourself.No matter how busy you are focusing on how to prepare for the interview, find a few quiet minutes to center and ground yoursel f. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing. Visualize walking into the interview confidently. If you are feeling the butterflies, make a conscious decision to interpret the physical sensation as excitement, not anxiety. My favorite trick is to focus on the sensation of my feet touching the ground.6. Get some fresh air.If weather and circumstances allow, spend a few minutes outside. Fresh air and sunshine can offer a great boost of energy If it is too hot or humid outside try blasting some air-conditioned air in your face before you step out of the car.7. Final visual check and cell phone offMake the most out of the last minute bathroom stop on your way to the reception. Check your reflection for any stray pieces of food, loose threads, or lint. This is also a great moment to practice smilingNext, turn off your cellphone (or put it in airplane mode). I do not recommend taking a shortcut here by putting the phone on vibrate everyone can hear the buzzing in your bag, and the distrac tion value is the same as if it was ringing.In addition to eliminating the noise distractions, a phone in airplane mode delivers one more benefit you will be less tempted to bury your head in social media while you wait. Most candidates dont realize that immersing themselves in a distraction (book or phone) causes them to appear surprised and startled when the hiring manager walks in. You want to look poised and ready. Instead of scrolling through online feeds, use the time to create a positive first impression with the receptionist, and take in the office for any early clues about the culture of the company.In closing, I offer this job interview tip from competitive athletes and martial artists Your interview starts the moment you walk or drive in. Do not wait until the first interview question to turn on your game. You do not know who may be walking through the reception area, sharing your elevator ride, and parking next to you, so treat every person you come across as a potential decision maker. This is your time on the ground be present and alert.Finally, go into the interview with a sincere desire to be of service to the company. Remember to relax and breathe. Its easy to attribute super-human powers to the person who holds the hiring decision in his hands. Keep in mind that the hiring manager has good and bad days, a life outside of work, and a personality. Focus on making a human connection, and have a great conversation.Hire a TopResume writer to help you land more interviews, faster.Related Articles

Monday, December 9, 2019

What You Need to Know About Management Resume Examples

What You Need to Know About Management Resume Examples Where to Find Management Resume Examples Uploading to our resume database requires you to make an account. To learn mora on what it requires to be an Operations Supervisor, have a look at our complete Operations Supervisor Job Description. In 7 minutes, you will understand how to compose a flawless manager resume. The overall manager is one particular step up the corporate chain from a shop manager. Bear in mind, recruiters are always able to look over your LinkedIn profile for the complete story. Infographic resumes are impossible to comprehend, states MacIntyre. The info above should explain to you how sample manager resumes are best structured, to find an interview and find that job. Then show you comprehend the work description. In addition, there are a few helpful ideas to help you craft a successful resume. Limit your resumes to a single page if youre able to. Additional information on keywords and phrases are f ound below. Finding the Best Management Resume Examples If youre looking for a career in management, you probably have years of qualified experience under your belt. In some instances, bleeding onto another page is OK, especially for those who have a great verstndigung im strafverfahren of really relevant experience. A manager has to be accountable for each decision they make and also be prepared to take responsibility for those outcomes of their decisions. A great manager has to have the ability to tackle and solve the frequent issues that can occur in an ordinary workday. To work as professional manager applying exceptional ability to produce and implement a great work culture in an organization which will aid in fulfilling the overall mission or target of the business. A manager with good communication skills can relate nicely with the employees and so, able to accomplish the businesss set objectives and objectives easily. Time management takes a fantastic awareness of wor k gauge so you can correctly allot the time necessary for a job. Fantastic time management enables a person to complete more in a shorter time period, lowers stress, and results in career success. Superior management skills are vital for any organization to be successful and achieve its targets and objectives. You are able to greatly increase your individual management skills by getting organized. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Management Resume Examples Make sure you decide on an appropriate resume template for a reference in making your own resume dependent on the management position which you are targeting to have. Its more effective to turn into an example in their opinion. The most suitable instance is quite a bit stronger. A general illustration is presented beneath. The letter you write can make an immense gap in someones own life so make sure of things you would like to write within the letter and ensure you utilize the perfect format. If youre requested to compose a reference letter with a person, then be confident that it is a responsibility which needs to become fulfilled in an ideal way. The letter thats created is acutely crucial since it may on occasion shift the full harmony and change a verdict altogether. A character reference letter needs to be crisp and most importantly, believable.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Debate Over Objective in Resume for Fresh Graduate

The Debate Over Objective in Resume for Fresh Graduate If your Objective says youre searching for a full-time job and youre asking for a part-time internship, you will probably be disqualified immediately. Dont compose a long resume Most resumes are usually too long. You might also want to take a look at our complete collection of job sites in Singapore to aid you in getting started. Short, one-page resumes are perfect for fresh graduates. The Downside Risk of Objective in Resume for Fresh Graduate On the two-page sample resume format above, you will see that theSummary of Qualifications in addition to Other Qualifications show up on the very first page since they are definitely the most important portion of your resume. Its possible to also Simple Resume Template. Resumes ought to be targeted effectively at the particular kind of marketing job applied for. 50 Best Samples for Career Objective You have begun preparing your Resume and the following thing youre trying to fi nd is Career Objective. Objective in Resume for Fresh Graduate Secrets That No One Else Knows About Be sure your career objective matches the role youre applying for. An objective can limit your choices as it is so specific. The career objective doesnt state specifically which strong abilities and expansive knowledge the applicant would love to use. A well-stated objective is an excellent first step in displaying your communication skills and highlighting your relevant knowledge in the area. So you simply graduated high school or college and you are prepared to go into the workforce to develop into a productive member of society. You may be a fresh graduate searching for a new job, or youve been thinking of switching your old one. For instance, if a candidate is searching for a machine learning position, and your company doesnt conduct machine learning, the candidate isnt a fit irrespective of engineering skill. If experienced candidates have to pass all 3 portions of the question in 40 minutes, then a suitable new grad bar may be finishing all parts in 50 minutes. Want to Know More About Objective in Resume for Fresh Graduate? Furthermore, you always want your latest work to appear at the peak of the list and your oldest work at the base of your resume. Occasionally, you could have to list related and unrelated experience below the exact saatkorn heading to prevent confusion. Easier time moving within that work Not only will it be simpler for you to have a job, youll have a less difficult time moving up in the job as youll already have prior work experience Quite simply, your resume plays an exceedingly important part in your job search practice.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Engineering Behind a Spectacle

The Engineering Behind a Spectacle The Engineering Behind a Spectacle Millions of visitors find their way to the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas every year, and the hotels signature experience begins before they ever walk in the door. The famous water outside the facility has further heightened the status of the famed hotel but WET Design, which worked on the mechanical engineering of this and other famed water spectacles, hopes the audience will never even consider the engineering behind their work, says Jim Doyle, director of plan technology for the company, based in Sun Valley, CA. They just want them to enjoy their shows. Doyle pulls back the curtain a bit as he describes some of the thinking behind the spectacles that have wowed audiences on multiple continents. The Bellagio, for example, was watershed in how incredibly complex it was and we realized it was going to be even bigger than we thought it was, he says. This wasnt the expansion of a little fountain here, it was a major und ertaking from the mechanical and electrical standpoint high-connected load, tremendous devices, not only a power issue with all the compressors and pumps but to have distributor control to and out in the middle. When running, it pulls about five megawatts, intermittently, of course, because its a water feature. The Bellagio fountains. Image PhotographersNature / Wikimedia Commons It runs on air because its a lot more efficient than electrical for what they want to do. It can actually collect air pressure between shows and do these staccato movements that last only like three seconds, he says. We can use stored energy from the air to do that. Among the devices he alludes to are what he calls the oarsmen. If you look at the whole row of them, they look like oarsmen on the ship. They are xyz robots, the x and y being mechanical tracking. X is tracking y like a gimbal, and z is the pump speed. Sounds simple until you put it underwater and deal with it more than 200 times since thats how many we made. Doyle says the roughly 3.5-5 minute show was a great learning curve for the company. Now we understood even better how to distribute massive amounts of electrical into a water feature, he says. The Dubai Fountain, the worlds largest choreographed fountain system. Image The Dubai Mall The learning made works like the Dubai Fountain easier, but thats not to say easy. For example, here we had fan oarsmen. So instead of the stream out of oarsmen, we had a fan and the fan has theta access so it can rotate, he says. Theres always something new to learn on a project, but thats part of the fun of it. And, it shouldnt be surprising that Doyle comes from the world of Hollywood special effects. What he likes here is that work is seen for years and might not just disappear like a movie can if theres a weekend of poor kasten office receipts. Its great to build something and know how appreciated it will be, he says. It can also help business for the area. And hey, I enjoy watching them like everyone else. Eric Butterman is an independent writer. For Further DiscussionIts great to build something and know how appreciated it will be. It can also help business for the area. And hey, I enjoy watching them like everyone else.Jim Doyle, WET Design

Sunday, November 24, 2019

NASA Issues Second Call for Ground-Based Research Proposals

NASA Issues Second Call for Ground-Based Research Proposals NASA Issues Second Call for Ground-Based Research Proposals NASA Issues Second Call for Ground-Based Research ProposalsNASA recently released a second call for proposals for the NASA Research Announcement (NRA), entitled Use of the NASA Physical Sciences Informatics System, soliciting ground-based research proposals that employ an open science method to generate new scientific insights by using data contained in NASAs Physical Sciences Informatics (PSI) online database. This PSI database provides investigators access to the raw and processed experimental data from past and current physical science International Space Station flight experiments. By issuing the NRA, the space agency aims to promote rapid, multiple investigations resulting in more scientists participating in ISS research. The second call for proposals, Appendix B to the NRA, is soliciting proposals in the five research areas - Combustion Science, Complex Fluid s, Fluid Physics, Fundamental Physics and Materials Science - for which eligible experimental data will be available in the PSI by the proposal due date of March 17, 2016. The call is open to two types of investigators established researchers and graduate students. For eligibility requirements and further instructions, or to read the complete NRA, visit http// For more information on the Physical Sciences Informatics database, visit http//

Thursday, November 21, 2019

4 Tips for Keeping Your Job Search a Secret

4 Tips for Keeping Your Job Search a Secret4 Tips for Keeping Your Job Search a SecretWhen youre looking to switch jobs, its almost always easier to find a new position when you already have one. With one big exception, of course you need to keep your job search a secret. After all, you dont want your boss to catch wind that youre looking for a new gig, which can complicate matters in the office and potentially cost you your current position. Here are some how-tos on how to keep your job search a secret- and successful.4 Tips for Keeping Your Job Search a SecretKeep it separate. You log in long hours at your job, leaving you little time to find a new position. But if youre tempted to start your search on company time- and in the office to boot- you might be making a big mistake. Your boss can track which websites youre visiting and will be able to find out nahe daran sein if youre on job boards. So try to keep your job search separate from your office life and do your hunting after h ours. If you absolutely have to follow up on a job lead, use your own personal equipment, such as your tablet or laptop, and use your own phone instead of the companys to call back potential employers.Schedule interviews for after hours. Every day in your office is casual Friday. Thats always been one of the great perks of your job. Except now that youre interviewing for jobs, youve ditched your jeans and instead are strolling into the office in a suit and tie. A sudden change in your attire will surely attract the attention of nosy colleagues, so be sure to schedule your interviews before and after work whenever possible. Or, figure out a convenient distributionspolitik to change attire en-route to your interview- perhaps at your gym, a friends house, or your own if its not far away. That way, you can avoid raising any eyebrows and keep your search private.Keep it to yourself. When youve finally made the decision to ditch your office job in favor of another position, chances are yo ull be very excited and want to tell the world. But even telling your office bestie can backfire, since news of your impending exit can quickly make its way back to your boss. As hard as it might be, youll need to keep a lid on your upcoming job interviews and only tell those closest to you, such as friends and family. And think twice before broadcasting your job search status online, because you dont want to do anything that can hurt your job search.Find fresh references. Your boss-to-be wants to get a few job references from you as part of the final phase in the job interviewing process. Thing is, your boss is (thankfully) clueless about your job search. Dont assume that you need to get a reference from him, though. References can run the gamut from previous bosses and colleagues, to even college professors and close friends in your professional network. Essentially, anyone who can attest to the fact that you are a great worker and a professional counts as a contact whom you can u se.Searching for a job while you already have one can be tricky, but if you are cautious and careful, you can implement some job search strategies that will help you find a position that is a perfect fit for you without jeopardizing your current one.Readers, have you ever searched for a job while employed? How did you do it? Let us know in the comments below