Tuesday, May 19, 2020

4 Habits That Kill Career Potential

4 Habits That Kill Career Potential The  harder  a  habit  is  to  acquire,  the  greater  the  reward  that  stems  from  acquiring  that  behavior. Rarely  is  the  acquisition  of  desirable  traits  or  the  culmination  of  a  successful  career  happenstance. Regardless  of  popular  consensus,  most  individuals  are  not  born  with  immense  abilities. Rather,  the  actions  a  person  takes  and  how  often  they  engage  in  those  habits  will  either  propel  or  completely  diminish  abilities. On the flip side, harmful habits are easy to  acquire, yet hard to live with. Below, the recruiters at KAS have listed 4 habits that kill career potential. 1.   Failing  to  take  a  sincere  interest  in  others. The  most  effective  way  anyone  can  make  themselves  appear  interesting  is  to  take  a  sincere  interest  in  what  matters  to  the  other  person. Evidence  has  shown  that  the  overwhelming  majority  of  earth’s  inhabitants  is  more  interested  in  his  or  her  own  name  more  than  any  other  name  on  this  planet.  This  is  not  to  mention  that  they  are  significantly  more  concerned  in  themselves,  their  problems  and  aspirations  than  they  are  you  or  anybody  else  for  that  matter. While  each  person  is  different  in  a  myriad  of  ways,  one  thing  that  each  individual  who  walks  this  earth  has  in  common  is  that  they  strive  to  feel  important.  Part  of  making  them  feel  important  is  listening    a  simple,  yet  seemingly  less  frequently  used  tactic  than  years  prior. As  a  matter  of  fact,  many  people  fail  to  make  a  great  first  impression  because  they  don’t  listen  intently  and  interrupt, thus  not  making  the  individual  feel  as  if  they  matter. Regardless  of  how  much  formal  education  a  person  has  had,  excessive  talking  about  themselves  or  interrupting  all  but  renders  even  the  most  prestigious  diploma  worth  next  to  nothing. 2.  Folding  during  tough  times. Opportunity  doesn’t  seek  us  nor  does  it  only  happen  once  in  a  lifetime. All  too  often,  individuals  quit  or  continually  postpone  crucial  work  due  to  a  particular  account  or  relationship  going  as  they  wish  it  had. Consistently,  life  furnishes  the  opportunity  to  improve. Any  procrastination  (or  complete  inaction)  when  times  to  better  one’s  situation  present  themselves,  because  of  past  failures  forfeits  any  chance  for  success  and  allows  another  party  to  win. Character  is  not  built  when  things  go  a  person’s  way. Rather,  they  are  formed  when  even  the  biggest  of  problems  present  themselves. 3.  Failing  to  engage  in  critical  reading. We’ve  all  heard  the  phrase,  â€œthe  blind  leading  the  blind.” Each  and  every  minute,  individuals  who  are  not  qualified  to  speak  about  a  subject  provide  advice  to  the  masses  via  social  media  platforms.   Even  worse,  each  and  every  minute,  someone  takes  their  diatribe  at  face  value. All  the  time,  our  recruiters  come  across  job  seekers  who  have  paid  unqualified  career  coaches  (who  themselves  make  roughly  $40,000  a  year)  to  assist  them  in  highly  crucial  decision  making. All  the  time,  I  come  across  articles  which  discuss  facets  of  business  that  define  common  sense.  While  everyone  does  deserve  a  voice,  not  everyone  has  to  listen  to  it. 4.  Failing  to  continually  learn. The  secret  to  anyone’s  success  is  to  constantly  learn  and  improve  themselves. Complacency  depletes  potential. Depleted  potential  makes  a  person  insecure,  on-edge  and,  ultimately  unhappy. This  unhappiness  becomes  evident  to  co-workers,  clients,  friends  and  loved  ones  and  further  isolates  one’s  ability  to  achieve  what  they  wish  to. It’s  no  secret  that  the  overwhelming  majority  of  human  beings  see  how  little  they  can  do  as  opposed  to  propelling  their  ability  to  learn  and  seeking  new  avenues  to  teach  them  imperative  skills. In  the  End. A  person  can  break  any  habit  they  wish  to. Regardless  of  age,  length  of  past  tendencies  or  former  failures,  altering  one’s  behavior  and,  thus  increasing  odds  of  success  for  the  future  is  more  than  doable. The other option is to continue with the undesirable actions and limit your career potential.

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